Facing foreclosure 2019What to do When Facing Foreclosure

We’re back again for the fourth part in our series about what homeowners can do when they’re facing foreclosure in Georgia. Like every decision, there are advantages and disadvantages. Of course we buy houses to prevent a foreclosure from happening, but we believe that you should be as informed as you can be to make the best choice for you and you alone!

Sell Your House to a “We Buy Houses” Type of Company?

If you’ve been following our series about your options and you’ve made it this far, you may still feel like you have no good options.  Others have felt the same way but they found out that selling to us was a quick and painless way to stop foreclosure and save their credit.  If you’re facing foreclosure currently, a decision has to be made quickly. You have some options, but you unfortunately don’t have a lot of time.  Let’s look at some of the advantages in selling to us:

  1. We can close fast, very fast.  Because we buy with cash, we can close on the purchase of a house in as little as a week.  
  2. You wouldn’t have any fees like commissions or closing costs other than taxes.  If you have enough equity in the house, you may still walk away from the closing with a check.
  3. Selling to us  would be a good ending to something that you may have resigned yourself into to expecting to be horrible.  Working with us will relieve all the stress and worry that you’ve been going through and you’ll walk away smiling.

Of course this isn’t an ideal selling situation, nor is it one that you probably ever expected to be in.  The advantages and disadvantages are clear. Not doing something has a certain result.  If you don’t file for bankruptcy, find some way to catch up the payments and/or modify the loan, or sell to a home-buyer like us, you will be foreclosed upon.  That’s a harsh reality, but it’s the truth.

The idea of selling your house to some people that you don’t really know, and just heard of,  is probably scary.  We understand that, and it’s to be expected. You may be wondering if we can really help you, and the answer is definitely, yes.  Helping people is the biggest part of our business. You may have seen signs on the side of the road about house buyers or have seen other companies advertising a similar service.  Many companies and people say, “We buy houses”, but there are a lot that don’t actually buy houses. They say they do, but their real intention is to get a contract on a house, mark up the price and then sell their contract to another buyer.  While that isn’t illegal and it’s an option we have taken, it’s not our only method of investing in real estate. People and companies that focus on that method, may suddenly cancel on you because they can’t find a buyer for their “deal”, which leaves you high and dry.  And all the while, you thought your trouble was about to be over.  Our intention from the start of every situation is to take a property and renovate it so that it’s beautiful, which we then sell for a profit. Yes, we intend to make money, we wouldn’t be able to help anyone if we weren’t making money. But we can’t make any money IF we don’t first help someone in a tough situation.

Go Ahead, We’re Here for You

We buy houses fast for cash. Selling to  Real Ventures, LLC would stop your foreclosure or prevent one from being filed.  You would pay no closing costs other than taxes or any outstanding liens. Perhaps it would mean, being able to prevent a foreclosure on your credit and starting over.  Reach out today and we can figure out what works. Fill out the contact form below or go over to learn how our process works here.

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